What we do
Anduril is a management consultancy company offering a full complement of project management and strategic consultancy services.

Project Management of Covered Walkway at Dublin Airport for Irish Aviation Authority
Project Management of Covered Walkway at Dublin Airport for Irish Aviation Authority in conjunction with Cumnor Construction

Devil Creek Gas Plant, Western Australia
Management of preparation, execution and close out of shutdown

Varanus Island Gas Plant, Western Australia
Management of preparation, execution and close out of shutdown

Stag Oil Platform, Western Australia
Management of preparation, execution and close out of shutdown

Ningaloo Vision, floating production storage and offloading (FPSO), Western Australia
Management of preparation, execution and close out of shutdown

Crossrail , Tottenham Court Road/Oxford Street, London
Water Main and Sewer repair and replacement
Get in touch
At Anduril Consulting, we appreciate all enquires, be it just a query or even a request for help. We would be more than happy to assist you.
Contact Details:
Tel: 0879838288
Email: info@andurilconsulting.ie